Choreographic cognition : the time-course and phenomenology of creating a dance

Catherine J. Stevens, Stephen Malloch, Shirley McKechnie, Nicole Steven

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticle


    The process of inception, development and refinement during the creation of a new dance work is described and explored. The account is based on annotated video of the professional choreographer and dancers as they create and sequence new movement material, as well as weekly journal entries made by one of the dancers. A 24-week chronology is reported. We analyse the choreographic process using the Geneplore model of creative cognition as an organising framework and identify generative and exploratory processes including problem finding and problem solving, metaphorical thinking, non-linear composition, and multi-modal imagery. An analytical tool adapted from the discipline of music analysis is used to explore relationships between recurring themes and visual, visceral, spatial and tactile images. Ideas for experimental work relating to choreographic cognition are discussed.
    Original languageEnglish
    Number of pages31
    JournalPragmatics & cognition
    Publication statusPublished - 2003


    • Choreography
    • Creation (Literary, artistic, etc.)
    • Psychological aspects
    • Dance
    • Modern dance
    • Cognition


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