Civil liberties and civil behaviour

Michael H. Kennedy

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticle


    It is a pity those involved in reinforcing this moral panic have not reflected on their capacity to initiate social change through being civil rather than competitive. This whole tacky incident, including the gender determined commentary has been about the same sort of uncivil behaviour associated with the initial consenting incident. Aggressive competition, risk taking, winning, patriarchy, power, abuse, lack of concern for others, individualism, narcissism, hedonism and it goes on. Civil liberties are mostly about guarding against the intrusion of the state into our lives. Today’s media no longer represents a search for the truth. In fact its association with politics makes the media an agent of the state. Any civil liberties concept must begin with civil behaviour and communication. How can the society we live in move forward in a progressive sense if it exists in an adversarial climate of capitalism and aggressive competition?
    Original languageEnglish
    Number of pages2
    JournalCivil Liberty
    Publication statusPublished - 2009


    • civil rights
    • crime and the press
    • mass media
    • sex discrimination in criminal justice administration


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