Climate Adaptation Strategy for Health: Assessment Report on Climate Change Risks to Health at District Hospitals

Hilary Bambrick

Research output: Book/Research ReportResearch report


Samoa is highly vulnerable to the health impacts of climate change. It currently experiences climate variability and extremes (cyclones, floods, droughts) and has a number of climate-sensitive risks that threaten public health. This assessment reviews the current adaptation activities in Samoa as they relate to health. Information was gathered through consultation with stakeholders and review of policy and other documents in order to identify current practices, limitations and needs. Four climate sensitive health risks were previously identified as being of particular concern for Samoa under climate change, and require adaptation activities. These are the health risks associated with extreme events, water and food borne communicable disease, vector borne disease and malnutrition. There was broad agreement among participants in this consultation process that these are important health risks that should be prioritised in health adaptation planning.
Original languageEnglish
Place of PublicationSamoa
PublisherMinistry of Health
Number of pages25
Publication statusPublished - 2013


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