Closing the Loop on Waste: Community Engagement, Cultural Diversity, and Shared Responsibilities in Waste Management in Canterbury-Bankstown

Paul James, Abby Mellick Lopes, Sebastian Martin-Valdez, Shuman Partoredjo, Juan Francisco Salazar, Flora Zhong

Research output: Book/Research ReportResearch report


This Closing the Loop on Waste report contributes to a broader in-depth project being undertaken by Canterbury-Bankstown City and a range of partners that aims to deliver improvements in customer service and organisational efficiency for waste management. This project has four major milestones: 1. Build strong relationships with customers, partners, universities and community groups; 2. Develop data products using newly deployed technology devices to collect information on dumped waste, and contamination; 3. Collect and provide data to measure, benchmark and enable future service improvements; and 4. Innovate in conjunction with universities and other partners develop new products. The contribution of this report is to collaborate with Council in the development of a community-engagement study focused around current community sentiments towards waste and Council waste management services. This part of the project aimed to support Council to engage with culturally diverse communities and identify a range of platforms and engagement methods.
Original languageEnglish
Place of PublicationPenrith, N.S.W.
PublisherWestern Sydney University. Institute for Culture and Society
Commissioning bodyAustralian National Commission for UNESCO
Number of pages72
Publication statusPublished - 2019

Bibliographical note

© Creative Licence copyright


  • Canterbury-Bankstown (N.S.W.). Council
  • community development
  • cultural pluralism
  • refuse and refuse disposal


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