Comparative perceptions : how female officers in two Australian police organizations view policing of diverse people

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Male officers outnumber female officers in most police organizations, therefore most of the extant policing literature regarding policing of diverse people is dominated by the perceptions of male officers. As such this research conducted a comparative analysis between female officers employed in two different Australian state police organizations regarding their perceptions of policing diverse people. Using an identical online survey, and applying elements of Procedural Justice Theory and Social Identity Theory, female officers (N = 1794) responded to a series of items regarding their perceptions of fairness of treatment, following operational guidelines, perceptions of police engagement, and level of trust in people, when policing diverse people. They were also asked about their sense of identity as a police officer, and perceptions of inclusion within each respective police organization. Results from this study suggest significant differences can be found between the ranks of female officers within each organization, and comparatively between officers employed in each organization regarding their perceptions of policing diverse people. Specifically, this research suggests that rank and policing experience at the onset of a policing career (for example, Constables or Senior Constables) or over time as officers are employed in more senior roles (for example, Inspectors or Superintendents) differ in relation to officer’s perceptions of policing diverse people. This results from this study raise questions about the likelihood of female officers in different ranks not following operational policing guidelines in relation to policing diverse people.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1294-1313
Number of pages20
JournalPolice Practice and Research
Issue number3
Publication statusPublished - 2021


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