Competing spaces : poker machines vs live music

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


    The room inside the pub is dark and as thick with punters as it is with smoke. On one side of the room, an elevated platform forms a stage. Flashing lights silhouette animated band members whose music is delivered with pure passion to a crowd with unwavering attention, all bopping or swaying ceremoniously to the music. On the other side of the room, divided by a sheet of frosted glass, a different type of light show is occurring, one filled with a whirring array of dollar signs, aces of spades and four leaf clovers. The punters stare with matched intensity at the small screens in front of them, their drive to win making them oblivious to the roaring of the crowd only metres away, enjoying the live music gig. The clanging of coins paying out of the machine two down is the only noise that dare distract the gaming punter from their task at hand. Breaking away from the experience only to quench their thirst, grab a breath of fresh air or a ‘ciggie’, both the music and gaming punter are quickly re-absorbed into the hypnotic, self-signifying spaces they inhabit indeterminably… by obsession or addiction?
    Original languageEnglish
    Number of pages7
    JournalGlobal Media Journal: Australian Edition
    Issue number1
    Publication statusPublished - 2010


    • Sydney (N.S.W.)
    • bands
    • music
    • poker machines
    • social aspects


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