Constructing short episodic volunteering experiences : matching grey nomads and the needs of small country towns

Rosemary Leonard, Jenny Onyx, Annette Maher

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticle


    To attract volunteers, third-sector organisations need to match the needs of organisations with those of volunteers by addressing the diversity of motivations of particular types of volunteers and flexibility in the structure of voluntary work. The present research addresses the question of how isolated towns can set up voluntary programs that are mutually beneficial for 'grey nomads' and the town. Through an anonymous survey of 314 grey nomads and SWOT analyses at six country towns, the research found a strong match between the interests of the towns and the grey nomads, with an emphasis on interaction between the two groups. Some mismatches, issues and the role of the Third Sector are discussed.
    Original languageEnglish
    Number of pages19
    JournalThird Sector Review
    Publication statusPublished - 2007


    • Australia
    • rural conditions
    • volunteers
    • voluntarism
    • cities and towns
    • grey nomads


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