Control force characteristics of structural AMD systems

Chunwei Zhang, Jinping Ou

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticle

    4 Citations (Scopus)


    Based on the wind-induced vibration control problem of 76-story Benchmark building structure, two control schemes of AMD control and structural interbedded active control were compared in this paper. Firstly, numerical analysis for non-reduced-order model was proposed, and the respective control effect and cost were compared while they achieving similar control performances, thereby the AMD control scheme was shown to be more superior and economical. Then, a set of improved quantitative indices denoting the direction characteristic of active control force of AMD system were developed, and the direction as well as energy hysteresis loop of active control force versus mass velocity were both analyzed and compared. The quantitative results between active force and mass velocity of structural interbedded control scheme showed that the active force is essentially damping force, therefore it is feasible to replace active actuators in the structural interbedded control system by semi-active or variable or even passive damping devices to achieve active control performance. However, the active actuators in AMD system cannot be replaced by semi-active control devices. Furthermore, actuators are integrated for AMD control scheme, which utilizes smaller control force and bigger mass stroke to exert control energy onto structures; while actuators or dampers are distributed for structural interbedded control, which realizes damping control with bigger forces and smaller device strokes.
    Original languageEnglish
    Number of pages6
    JournalZhendong Gongcheng Xuebao
    Publication statusPublished - 2010


    • actuators
    • damping (mechanics)
    • hysteresis
    • tall buildings
    • vibration
    • wind-pressure


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