Cowpea : an overview on its nutritional facts and health benefits

Chathuni Jayathilake, Rizliya Visvanathan, Afka Deen, Ruksheela Bangamuwage, Barana C. Jayawardana, Srinivas Nammi, Ruvini Liyanage

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202 Citations (Scopus)


Cowpea (Vigna unguiculata) is a legume consumed as a high‐quality plant protein source in many parts of the world. High protein and carbohydrate contents with relatively low fat content and complementary amino acid pattern to that of cereal grains make cowpea an important nutritional food in the human diet. Cowpea has gained more attention recently from consumers and researchers worldwide due to its exerted health beneficial properties including anti‐diabetic, anti‐cancer, anti‐hyperlipidemic, anti‐inflammatory and anti‐hypertensive properties. Among the mechanisms that have been proposed in the prevention of chronic diseases, the most proven are attributed to the presence of compounds such as soluble and insoluble dietary fiber, phytochemicals and proteins and peptides in cowpea. However, studies on the anticancer and anti‐inflammatory properties of cowpea have produced conflicting results. Some studies support a protective effect of cowpea on the progression of cancer and inflammation, while other studies demonstrate no effect. Since there are only a few studies carried on this regard, further studies in this area are suggested. In addition, despite the so far reported favorable effects of cowpea on diabetes, hyperlipidemia and hypertension, a long‐term epidemiological study investigating the association between cowpea consumption and diabetes, cardiovascular disease and cancer is also recommended.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)4793-4806
Number of pages9
JournalJournal of the Science of Food and Agriculture
Issue number13
Publication statusPublished - 2018


  • cowpea


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