Cultivation practice on nitrate, lead and cadmium contents of vegetables and potential health risks in children

Weeraya Karnpanit, Wenika Benjapong, Songsak Srianujata, Nipa Rojroongwasinkul, Pharrunrat Tanaviyutpakdee, Jakkit Sakolkittinapakul, Amphika Poowanasatien, Channarong Jatutipsompol, Vijay Jayasena

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

4 Citations (Scopus)


Cultivation practices can affect chemical contaminant levels in vegetables. The objectives of this study were to determine nitrate, lead and cadmium contents in vegetables grown under different cultivation practices, and to evaluate the potential health risks of nitrate, lead and cadmium intake from vegetable consumption on children. Leafy vegetables especially those in the Brassicaceae family contained higher levels of nitrate, lead and cadmium than those of other vegetables. Nitrate contents of most leafy vegetables grown under organic and GAP cultivation were lower than those grown with conventional production. Lead and cadmium levels of most crops were similar for organic, GAP and conventional vegetables indicating that growing practice may not be the main factor influencing their presence on vegetables. Nitrate, lead and cadmium contents in vegetables grown in the Central Thailand did not exceed international standards assuring safe domestic consumption and allowing them to be competitive in international trade.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)514-528
Number of pages15
JournalInternational Journal of Vegetable Science
Issue number6
Publication statusPublished - 2019


  • agriculture
  • cadmium
  • children
  • health risk assessment
  • inorganic soil pollutants
  • lead
  • nitrates
  • toxicology
  • vegetables


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