Dalarinji - 'Your Story': Final Report to Community

Corrinne Sullivan, Kim Spurway, Linda Briskman, John Leha, William Trewellyn, Karen Soldatic

Research output: Book/Research ReportResearch report


This report provides the final findings of a research project called Dalarinji – ‘Your Story’. The project worked with First Nations LGBTIQ+ people in NSW to capture their experiences and needs regarding their social, cultural and emotional wellbeing. This report draws upon two sources of information: a small community survey (people aged 14 years and older) and indepth qualitative interviews with Indigenous LGBTIQ+ people aged 14-25 years. The survey and interviews looked at experiences of growing up as First Nations LGBTIQ+ people in New South Wales (NSW). The project was interested in four primary areas including: What their experiences were of being First Nations and LGBTIQ+ for overall wellbeing; how people navigated family and community to maintain their wellbeing; what aspects of their journeys were supportive and respectful; what their experiences of service provision were and what they would recommend changing. The overarching goal was the development of targeted supports and services to effectively support First Nations LGBTIQ+ people.
Original languageEnglish
Place of PublicationPenrith, N.S.W.
PublisherWestern Sydney University
Number of pages38
Publication statusPublished - 2021


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