Deconstructing decolonisation : Victor Questel’s Collected Poems

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


These ... excerpts come from a very famous collection: Edward Kamau Brathwaite’s Rights of Passage, first published in 1968 by Oxford University Press. The first excerpt is from a poem in a collection known by very few: Victor Questel and Anson Gonzales’s Score, self-published by the authors in Port-of-Spain four years later. Brathwaite’s collection, the first instalment of his ‘New World’ trilogy The Arrivants, riffs on various musical forms produced by the African diaspora in the New World. As well as those mentioned already, there are work songs, delta blues, rock n’ roll, calypso, and various forms of jazz, which are arranged into a rough chronology that charts the dispersion and creolization of African culture in the Americas.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages4
JournalCordite Poetry Review
Publication statusPublished - 2017


  • Caribbean poetry (English)
  • decolonization in literature


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