Defining modern Buddhism : Mr. and Mrs. Rhys Davids and the P�li Text Society

Judith Snodgrass

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticle


    In this article I examine the work of Thomas William Rhys Davids (1843–1922) and Caroline Augusta Foley Rhys Davids (1857–1942), his wife and colleague in scholarship. T. W. Rhys Davids founded the Pāli Text Society in 1881and served as its chairman until his death in 1922. Caroline, then continued in the position. Together they dominated Pāli studies for sixty years. Their contribution includes the almost complete publication of the Pāli canon, a Pāli dictionary, numerous expository works, and the training of a large number of colleagues and students to perpetuate their influence. More than just pioneers in the field, they have provided the standard interpretation of Pāli Buddhism. They are, to extend Charles Hallisey’s observation, the “inaugural heroes” of academic studies of Buddhism. While unquestionably an orientalist construct, the features of Buddhism they documented and validated through their meticulous and dedicated study of Pāli texts remain the basis not only of Western understanding of Buddhism but of many modern Buddhist movements in Asia. They established the parameters of the rational humanist schools of Buddhism that are characteristic of what Donald Lopez has usefully referred to as modern Buddhism.
    Original languageEnglish
    Number of pages17
    JournalComparative Studies of South Asia\, Africa\, and the Middle East
    Publication statusPublished - 2007


    • Buddhism
    • Davids, Caroline A. F. Rhys (Caroline Augusta Foley Rhys), 1857-1942
    • Davids, T. W. Rhys (Thomas William Rhys), 1843-1922
    • Pāli Buddhism
    • Pāli Text Society
    • interpretation


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