Deschooling L'earning: Young Adults and the New Spirit of Capitalism

Michael Singh, Bobby Harreveld

Research output: Book/Research ReportAuthored Book


Deschooling L'earning explores how recent reforms to young adults' senior secondary schooling have given rise to capital friendly learning-and-earning (l'earning) webs, reporting how leaders committed to deschooling have mobilised capability brokers to create l'earning networks. Illich's ideas are used to explain disenchantment with disengaging schooling, and neo-Weberian conceptions of the new spirit of capitalism are employed to deepen understanding of these reforms. Singh and Harreveld's analysis uses the idea of deschooling l'earning to ask whether these reforms build young adults' commitment to twenty-first-century modes of capital accumulation? Deschooling L'earning also gives insights into questions teacher education might ask about securing the future life/work trajectories of young adults, reassuring them that these reforms can serve the common good. These conceptual resources provide tools for corrective and transformative critiques that test government policies and practices for their adverse effects.
Original languageEnglish
Place of PublicationU.K.
Number of pages209
ISBN (Print)9781137310354
Publication statusPublished - 2014


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