Developing a self-report measure to assess disclosure strategies in adult male prisoners and its association with personality

Kerry Ferguson, Carol A. Ireland, Jane L. Ireland

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


    Purpose: The current study aims to report on the development of a self-report measure of disclosure strategies in adult male prisoners (violent and acquisitive offences) and its association with personality and self-esteem. Design/methodology/approach: The study employed an adapted version of the Delphi technique to develop initial items for inclusion in the new disclosure measure (Disclosure Management Questionnaire: DMQ). This element of the study utilised an "expert sample" of forensic psychologists. A total of 94 prisoners then completed the developed measure. Factor analysis was utilised to explore the structure of the measure, which subsequently allowed associations between disclosure strategies, personality and self-esteem to be identified. Findings: Analysis revealed a measure of disclosure (the DMQ) comprising four subscales: Exploratory Engagement, Placatory/Evasive Engagement, Passive Resistance and Active Resistance. Significant correlations were identified between the personality trait Neuroticism and higher levels of Placatory/Evasive Engagement and Active Resistance of forensic clients during the disclosure process. Self-esteem was also found to correlate with disclosure, in that high trait self-esteem was found to be associated with higher exploratory engagement, whereas low trait self-esteem was associated with higher levels of active resistance of the disclosure process. Originality/value: Developing an understanding of the nature and function of disclosure and how these relate to individual factors such as personality (including trait self-esteem) provides valuable knowledge and alternative ways of supporting forensic clients in discussing difficult issues related to their offending.
    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)97-108
    Number of pages12
    JournalJournal of Forensic Practice
    Issue number2
    Publication statusPublished - 2013


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