Developing issues in world music therapy education and training : a plurality of views [Book review]

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


This contribution to the field of music therapy education and training by Dr. Karen Goodman convenes twenty authors (including Goodman) from eight countries, with the goal of building on the literature whilst considering international issues in these current times. Goodman highlights the need for changes in music therapy training and education based on societal, economic, generational, and workplace shifts. These foundations are woven throughout the chapters and form the rationale of the book; they also feature predominantly in Gilbertson’s chapter “Transversality and Music Therapy Education,” and also in both chapters of Part III: “Inclusivity in Music Therapy Education and Training.” I am fortunate to have attended the roundtable panel presentation at the 17th World Congress of Music Therapy (2023) in which Goodman and five of the included authors presented an overview of their chapters. Of note was the tangible collegiality displayed between the authors, and the shared genuine aspiration to progress music therapy education and training, while acknowledging there is always more to learn and further advancements to be made.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages4
JournalAustralian Journal of Music Therapy
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 2023


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