Developing positive relationships in schools

Sue Roffey

    Research output: Chapter in Book / Conference PaperChapter

    14 Citations (Scopus)


    Schools play a significant part not only in the formal and informal education of young people but also in their wellbeing - and hence the wellbeing of families and communities of the future. In 1995, the World Health Organization introduced the Global School Health initiative (WHO 1995) and brought the concept of education for wellbeing into the foreground. Related initiatives have since been adopted or developed by governments and education authorities in many parts of the world. In 2003 , the Wingspread Declaration: A National Strategy for Improving School Connectedness was issued in the USA. This is based on a detailed review of the relevant research as well as in-depth discussions amongst leaders in health and edu- cation in the USA. It summarises the evidence for positive relationships across education (Blum and Libbey 2004).
    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationPositive Relationships: Evidence-Based Practice Across the World
    EditorsSue Roffey
    Place of PublicationGermany
    Number of pages18
    ISBN (Electronic)9789400721470
    ISBN (Print)9789400721463
    Publication statusPublished - 2012


    • behaviour
    • relationships


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