Development of a WIL rubric to facilitate identification and mapping of WIL activities in science courses

Research output: Chapter in Book / Conference PaperConference Paperpeer-review


![CDATA[Identification of WIL activities occurring within units is necessary to allow accurate mapping across degrees and to provide assurance that WIL-related learning outcomes are being attained. Science degrees are challenging because some WIL activities are so highly visible (e.g. field work, laboratory practicals) that other valid activities are not recognised. These other activities, which we term ‘hidden WIL’, are often a rich source of WIL that can be directly related to employability, but are not articulated to students and sometimes not appreciated by the unit coordinator. Several WIL activity rubrics exist, with the recent Edwards review into WIL in Science providing a clear framework linking ‘learning outcomes’ to activities. We chose to use this framework to identify all WIL activities occurring across a diverse suite of science degrees. Using a questionnaire we interviewed the unit coordinators of 81 science units and identified both overt (clearly articulated to students) and hidden WIL in the units. We then mapped these activities to reconstruct the WIL content of complete degrees. We found that WIL activities were generally focused on a career as a research academic, and that hidden WIL was more prevalent in early years than in the final year, suggesting that academic staff find employability skills only become important near graduation. After using the Edwards framework we suggest refinements and additions and present a WIL activity rubric that will have broad applicability across disciplines.]]
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationProceedings of Australian Collaborative Education Network 2018 National Conference, October 3-5, Brisbane, Queensland
PublisherAustralian Collaborative Education Network
Number of pages1
ISBN (Print)9780980570649
Publication statusPublished - 2018
EventAustralian Collaborative Education Network. National Conference -
Duration: 1 Jan 2018 → …


ConferenceAustralian Collaborative Education Network. National Conference
Period1/01/18 → …


  • work integrated learning
  • education, higher
  • professional education
  • employability

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