Distinct laminar processing of local and global context in primate primary visual cortex

Maryam Bijanzadeh, Lauri Nurminen, Sam Merlin, Andrew M. Clark, Alessandra Angelucci

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

31 Citations (Scopus)


Visual perception is affected by spatial context. In visual cortex, neuronal responses to stimuli inside the receptive field (RF) are suppressed by stimuli in the RF surround. To understand the circuits and cortical layers processing spatial context, we simultaneously recorded across all layers of macaque primary visual cortex while presenting stimuli at increasing distances from the recorded cells' RF. We find that near versus far-surround stimuli activate distinct layers, thus revealing unique laminar contributions to the processing of local and global spatial context. Stimuli in the near-surround evoke the earliest subthreshold responses in superficial and upper-deep layers, and earliest suppression of spiking responses in superficial layers. Conversely, far-surround stimuli evoke the earliest subthreshold responses in feedback-recipient layer 1 and lower-deep layers, and earliest suppression of spiking responses almost simultaneously in all layers, except 4C, where suppression emerges last. Our results suggest distinct circuits for local and global signal integration.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)259-274.e4
Number of pages16
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 2018


  • macaques
  • visual perception


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