Does financial integration impact performance of equity anomalies?

Gagan Sharma, Sanjay Sehgal, Anil V. Mishra

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We examine prominent market anomalies and evaluate the efficacy of alternative asset pricing models under different financial integration settings. A financial integration index is developed for classifying 25 sample markets into high-, medium- and low integration groups. Size is found to be the strongest anomaly in world markets, followed by value and liquidity. Value and profitability effects are larger for low-integrated markets. Highly integrated markets experience short-term momentum while many low-integrated markets exhibit mild reversals. Fama and French five-factor model outperforms capita l asset pricing model (CAPM) and Fama and French three-factor model in explaining returns. International factors augment the role of local factors for more integrated markets. Our study has implications for global investors to design anomaly based investment strategies.
Original languageEnglish
Article number2111802
Number of pages51
JournalCogent Economics and Finance
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 2022

Open Access - Access Right Statement

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