Original language | English |
Pages (from-to) | 1369-1394 |
Number of pages | 26 |
Journal | Science of the Total Environment |
Volume | 628-629 |
DOIs | |
Publication status | Published - 2018 |
- biodegradation
- carbon
- compost
- tea
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- Author
- Harvard
- Standard
- Vancouver
In: Science of the Total Environment, Vol. 628-629, 2018, p. 1369-1394.
Research output: Contribution to journal › Article › peer-review
T1 - Early stage litter decomposition across biomes
AU - Djukic, Ika
AU - Kepfer-Rojas, Sebastian
AU - Schmidt, Inger Kappel
AU - Larsen, Klaus Steenberg
AU - Beier, Claus
AU - Berg, Bjoern
AU - Verheyen, Kris
AU - Caliman, Adriano
AU - Paquette, Alain
AU - Gutierrez-Giron, Alba
AU - Humber, Alberto
AU - Valdecantos, Alejandro
AU - Petraglia, Alessandro
AU - Alexander, Heather
AU - Augustaitis, Algirdas
AU - Saillard, Amelie
AU - Ruiz Fernandez, Ana Carolina
AU - Sousa, Ana I.
AU - Lillebo, Ana I.
AU - Gripp, Anderson da Rocha
AU - Francez, Andre-Jean
AU - Fischer, Andrea
AU - Bohner, Andreas
AU - Malyshev, Andrey
AU - Andric, Andrijana
AU - Smith, Andy
AU - Stanisci, Angela
AU - Seres, Aniko
AU - Schmidt, Anja
AU - Avila, Anna
AU - Probst, Anne
AU - Ouin, Annie
AU - Khuroo, Anzar A.
AU - Verstraeten, Arne
AU - Palabral-Aguilera, Arely N.
AU - Stefanski, Artur
AU - Gaxiola, Aurora
AU - Muys, Bart
AU - Bosman, Bernard
AU - Ahrends, Bernd
AU - Parker, Bill
AU - Sattler, Birgit
AU - Yang, Bo
AU - Jurani, Bohdan
AU - Erschbamer, Brigitta
AU - Rodriguez Ortiz, Carmen Eugenia
AU - Christiansen, Casper T.
AU - Adair, E. Carol
AU - Meredieu, Celine
AU - Mony, Cendrine
AU - Nock, Charles A.
AU - Chen, Chi-Ling
AU - Wang, Chiao-Ping
AU - Baum, Christel
AU - Rixen, Christian
AU - Delire, Christine
AU - Piscart, Christophe
AU - Andrews, Christopher
AU - Rebmann, Corinna
AU - Branquinho, Cristina
AU - Polyanskaya, Dana
AU - Delgado, David Fuentes
AU - Wundram, Dirk
AU - Radeideh, Diyaa
AU - Ordonez-Regil, Eduardo
AU - Crawford, Edward
AU - Preda, Elena
AU - Tropina, Elena
AU - Groner, Elli
AU - Lucot, Eric
AU - Hornung, Erzsebet
AU - Gacia, Esperanca
AU - Levesque, Esther
AU - Benedito, Evanilde
AU - Davydov, Evgeny A.
AU - Ampoorter, Evy
AU - Bolzan, Fabio Padilha
AU - Varela, Felipe
AU - Kristoefel, Ferdinand
AU - Maestre, Fernando T.
AU - Maunoury-Danger, Florence
AU - Hofhansl, Florian
AU - Kitz, Florian
AU - Sutter, Flurin
AU - Cuesta, Francisco
AU - Lobo, Francisco de Almeida
AU - Souza, Franco Leandro de
AU - Berninger, Frank
AU - Zehetner, Franz
AU - Wohlfahrt, Georg
AU - Vourlitis, George
AU - Carreno-Rocabado, Geovana
AU - Arena, Gina
AU - Daiane, Pinha Gisele
AU - Gonzalez, Grizelle
AU - Canut, Guylaine
AU - Lee, Hanna
AU - Verbeeck, Hans
AU - Auge, Harald
AU - Pauli, Harald
AU - Nacro, Hassan Bismarck
AU - Bahamonde, Hector A.
AU - Feldhaar, Heike
AU - Jaeger, Heinke
AU - Serrano, Helena C.
AU - Verheyden, Helene
AU - Bruelheide, Helge
AU - Meesenburg, Henning
AU - Jungkunst, Hermann
AU - Jactel, Herve
AU - Shibata, Hideaki
AU - Kurokawa, Hiroko
AU - Lopez Rosas, Hugo
AU - Rojas Villalobos, Hugo L.
AU - Yesilonis, Ian
AU - Melece, Inara
AU - Van Halder, Inge
AU - Garcia Quiros, Inmaculada
AU - Makelele, Isaac
AU - Senou, Issaka
AU - Fekete, Istvan
AU - Mihal, Ivan
AU - Ostonen, Ivika
AU - Borovska, Jana
AU - Roales, Javier
AU - Shoqeir, Jawad
AU - Lata, Jean-Christophe
AU - Theurillat, Jean-Paul
AU - Probst, Jean-Luc
AU - Zimmerman, Jess
AU - Vijayanathan, Jeyanny
AU - Tang, Jianwu
AU - Thompson, Jill
AU - Dolezal, Jiri
AU - Sanchez-Cabeza, Joan-Albert
AU - Merlet, Joel
AU - Henschel, Joh
AU - Neirynck, Johan
AU - Knops, Johannes
AU - Loehr, John
AU - Oppen, Jonathan von
AU - Sigriour Porlaksdottir, Jonina
AU - Loeffler, Joerg
AU - Cardoso-Mohedano, Jose-Gilberto
AU - Benito-Alonso, Jose-Luis
AU - Torezan, Jose Marcelo
AU - Morina, Joseph C.
AU - Jimenez, Juan J.
AU - Quinde, Juan Dario
AU - Alatalo, Juha
AU - Seeber, Julia
AU - Stadler, Jutta
AU - Kriiska, Kaie
AU - Coulibaly, Kalifa
AU - Fukuzawa, Karibu
AU - Szlavecz, Katalin
AU - Gerhatova, Katarina
AU - Lajtha, Kate
AU - Kaeppeler, Kathrin
AU - Jennings, Katie A.
AU - Tielboerger, Katja
AU - Hoshizaki, Kazuhiko
AU - Green, Ken
AU - Ye, Lambienou
AU - Pazianoto, Laryssa Helena Ribeiro
AU - Dienstbach, Laura
AU - Williams, Laura
AU - Yahdjian, Laura
AU - Brigham, Laurel M.
AU - Brink, Liesbeth van den
AU - Rustad, Lindsey
AU - Zhang, Lipeng
AU - Morillas, Lourdes
AU - Lu, Xiankai
AU - Carneiro, Luciana Silva
AU - Di Martino, Luciano
AU - Villar, Luis
AU - Bader, Maaike Y.
AU - Morley, Madison
AU - Lebouvier, Marc
AU - Tomaselli, Marcello
AU - Sternberg, Marcelo
AU - Schaub, Marcus
AU - Santos-Reis, Margarida
AU - Glushkova, Maria
AU - Torres, Maria Guadalupe Almazan
AU - Giroux, Marie-Andree
AU - de Graaff, Marie-Anne
AU - Pons, Marie-Noelle
AU - Bauters, Marijn
AU - Mazon, Marina
AU - Frenzel, Mark
AU - Didion, Markus
AU - Wagner, Markus
AU - Hamid, Maroof
AU - Lopes, Marta L.
AU - Apple, Martha
AU - Schaedler, Martin
AU - Weih, Martin
AU - Gualmini, Matteo
AU - Vadeboncoeur, Matthew A.
AU - Bierbaumer, Michael
AU - Danger, Michael
AU - Liddell, Michael
AU - Mirtl, Michael
AU - Scherer-Lorenzen, Michael
AU - Ruzek, Michal
AU - Carbognani, Michele
AU - Di Musciano, Michele
AU - Matsushita, Michinari
AU - Zhiyanski, Miglena
AU - Puscas, Mihai
AU - Barna, Milan
AU - Ataka, Mioko
AU - Mo, Jiangming
AU - Alsafran, Mohammed
AU - Carnol, Monique
AU - Barsoum, Nadia
AU - Tokuchi, Naoko
AU - Eisenhauer, Nico
AU - Lecomte, Nicolas
AU - Filippova, Nina
AU - Hoelzel, Norbert
AU - Ferlian, Olga
AU - Romero, Oscar
AU - Pinto, Osvaldo B.
AU - Peri, Pablo
AU - Weber, Paige
AU - Vittoz, Pascal
AU - Turtureanu, Pavel Dan
AU - Fleischer, Peter
AU - Macreadie, Peter
AU - Haase, Peter
AU - Reich, Peter
AU - Petrik, Petr
AU - Choler, Philippe
AU - Marmonier, Pierre
AU - Muriel, Priscilla
AU - Ponette, Quentin
AU - Guariento, Rafael Dettogni
AU - Canessa, Rafaella
AU - Kiese, Ralf
AU - Hewitt, Rebecca
AU - Ronn, Regin
AU - Adrian, Rita
AU - Kanka, Robert
AU - Weigel, Robert
AU - Cazzolla Gatti, Roberto
AU - Martins, Rodrigo Lemes
AU - Georges, Romain
AU - Meneses Rosa Isela, Rosa I.
AU - Gavilan, Rosario G.
AU - Dasgupta, Sabyasachi
AU - Wittlinger, Sally
AU - Puijalon, Sara
AU - Freda, Sarah
AU - Suzuki, Satoshi
AU - Charles, Sean
AU - Gogo, Sebastien
AU - Drollinger, Simon
AU - Mereu, Simone
AU - Wipf, Sonja
AU - Trevathan-Tackett, Stacey
AU - Loefgren, Stefan
AU - Stoll, Stefan
AU - Trogisch, Stefan
AU - Hoeber, Stefanie
AU - Seitz, Steffen
AU - Glatzel, Stephan
AU - Milton, Sue J.
AU - Dousset, Sylvie
AU - Mori, Taiki
AU - Sato, Takanori
AU - Ise, Takeshi
AU - Hishi, Takuo
AU - Kenta, Tanaka
AU - Nakaji, Tatsuro
AU - Michelan, Thaisa Sala
AU - Camboulive, Thierry
AU - Mozdzer, Thomas J.
AU - Scholten, Thomas
AU - Spiegelberger, Thomas
AU - Zechmeister, Thomas
AU - Kleinebecker, Till
AU - Hiura, Tsutom
AU - Enoki, Tsutomu
AU - Ursu, Tudor-Mihai
AU - Morra di Cella, Umberto
AU - Hamer, Ute
AU - Klaus, Valentin H.
AU - Rego, Vanessa Mendes
AU - Di Cecco, Valter
AU - Busch, Verena
AU - Fontana, Veronika
AU - Piscova, Veronika
AU - Carbonell, Victoria
AU - Ochoa, Victoria
AU - Bretagnolle, Vincent
AU - Maire, Vincent
AU - Farjalla, Vinicius
AU - Zhou, Wenjun
AU - Luo, Wentao
AU - McDowell, William H.
AU - Hu, Yalin
AU - Utsumi, Yasuhiro
AU - Kominami, Yuji
AU - Zaika, Yulia
AU - Rozhkov, Yury
AU - Kotroczo, Zsolt
AU - Toth, Zsolt
PY - 2018
Y1 - 2018
N2 - Through litter decomposition enormous amounts of carbon is emitted to the atmosphere. Numerous large-scale decomposition experiments have been conducted focusing on this fundamental soil process in order to understand the controls on the terrestrial carbon transfer to the atmosphere. However, previous studies were mostly based on site-specific litter and methodologies, adding major uncertainty to syntheses, comparisons and meta-analyses across different experiments and sites. In the TeaComposition initiative, the potential litter decomposition is investigated by using standardized substrates (Rooibos and Green tea) for comparison of litter mass loss at 336 sites (ranging from -9 to +26 degrees C MAT and from 60 to 3113 mm MAP) across different ecosystems. In this study we tested the effect of climate (temperature and moisture), litter type and land-use on early stage decomposition (3 months) across nine biomes. We show that litter quality was the predominant controlling factor in early stage litter decomposition, which explained about 65% of the variability in litter decomposition at a global scale. The effect of climate, on the other hand, was not litter specific and explained <0.5% of the variation for Green tea and 5% for Rooibos tea, and was of significance only under unfavorable decomposition conditions (i.e. xeric versus mesic environments). When the data were aggregated at the biome scale, climate played a significant role on decomposition of both litter types (explaining 64% of the variation for Green tea and 72% for Rooibos tea). No significant effect of land-use on early stage litter decomposition was noted within the temperate biome. Our results indicate that multiple drivers are affecting early stage litter mass loss with litter quality being dominant. In order to be able to quantify the relative importance of the different drivers over time, long-term studies combined with experimental trials are needed.
AB - Through litter decomposition enormous amounts of carbon is emitted to the atmosphere. Numerous large-scale decomposition experiments have been conducted focusing on this fundamental soil process in order to understand the controls on the terrestrial carbon transfer to the atmosphere. However, previous studies were mostly based on site-specific litter and methodologies, adding major uncertainty to syntheses, comparisons and meta-analyses across different experiments and sites. In the TeaComposition initiative, the potential litter decomposition is investigated by using standardized substrates (Rooibos and Green tea) for comparison of litter mass loss at 336 sites (ranging from -9 to +26 degrees C MAT and from 60 to 3113 mm MAP) across different ecosystems. In this study we tested the effect of climate (temperature and moisture), litter type and land-use on early stage decomposition (3 months) across nine biomes. We show that litter quality was the predominant controlling factor in early stage litter decomposition, which explained about 65% of the variability in litter decomposition at a global scale. The effect of climate, on the other hand, was not litter specific and explained <0.5% of the variation for Green tea and 5% for Rooibos tea, and was of significance only under unfavorable decomposition conditions (i.e. xeric versus mesic environments). When the data were aggregated at the biome scale, climate played a significant role on decomposition of both litter types (explaining 64% of the variation for Green tea and 72% for Rooibos tea). No significant effect of land-use on early stage litter decomposition was noted within the temperate biome. Our results indicate that multiple drivers are affecting early stage litter mass loss with litter quality being dominant. In order to be able to quantify the relative importance of the different drivers over time, long-term studies combined with experimental trials are needed.
KW - biodegradation
KW - carbon
KW - compost
KW - tea
UR - http://handle.westernsydney.edu.au:8081/1959.7/uws:47320
U2 - 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2018.01.012
DO - 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2018.01.012
M3 - Article
SN - 0048-9697
VL - 628-629
SP - 1369
EP - 1394
JO - Science of the Total Environment
JF - Science of the Total Environment
ER -