...earth tones...

    Research output: Creative WorksComposition


    In English, earth tones usually refer to 'natural' colours associated with the earth but there are also earth tones which are sounded. …earth tones… for toy piano, composed for Antonietta Loffredo, Italian toy pianist and pianist, draws on sounds imagined and heard - from Deleuze and Guattari's description of Bateson's use of the word 'plateau' as 'a continuous vibrating region of intensities…' which adopts aspects of the style of Bach's slow movement melodic line and accompanying bass; patterns of water movement - rain and river; to bells of Mostar, Prague and King's Lynn Minster's 11.30 chime heard on visits. The piece, written for a Schoenhut Traditional Spinet with 25 keys - 2 octaves C to C, explores the sonorities and dynamic intensities of the toy piano and Loffredo's sensitive and evocative playing style.
    Original languageEnglish
    Place of PublicationWollongong, N.S.W.
    Size1 score (5 pages), duration approximately 5 min., 30 sec.
    Publication statusPublished - 2014


    • toy piano
    • music


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