Earthquake risk to Inca's historical constructions in Machupicchu

C. Cuadra, Madan B. Karkee, Ken Tokeshi

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticle

    17 Citations (Scopus)


    The citadel of Machupicchu is probably the most famous Inca heritage site in Peru. Considering the seismically active region, this research is an attempt to perform a seismic risk analysis of the heritage structures at Machupicchu. A systematic approach is adopted for this purpose. Characteristic seismicity of the region, where these historical constructions are located, is discussed based on the seismic hazard analysis. Evaluation of the vulnerability of the structures under the prevalent earthquake hazard is another important aspect essential for risk analysis. As a first step to proper understanding of the seismic behavior of these heritage structures, typical elements of Inca construction are studied by simple analytical models to verify basic aspects of structural integrity. The possibility that peak ground acceleration corresponding to even relatively low hazard may produce instability in some structural components like gable walls was noted. In view of this preliminary result, attempt was made to identify the dynamic characteristics of typical buildings units from more detailed investigation. This forms part of the outcome from the field study program, which included microtremor measurement of free field as well as typical constructions, planned and undertaken by the authors. The results of the microtremor measurements are utilized to estimate the dynamic characteristics of the Inca stone structures. That is, the analytical results are compared with the measurements to calibrate the analytical model. Since microtremor measurements involve very small displacements, the characteristics of stones structures thus obtained correspond to elastic behavior applicable to small strain condition. Based on this scheme, an approach has been proposed to evaluate the seismic behavior and hence the seismic vulnerability of these structures. The procedure also permits identification of the probable mode of failure of the structures concerned.
    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)336-345
    Number of pages10
    JournalAdvances in Engineering Software
    Issue number4
    Publication statusPublished - 2008


    • Machu Picchu Site (Peru)
    • earthquake damage
    • historic sites


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