Ectomycorrhizal fungal communities of oak savanna are distinct from forest communities

Ian A. Dickie, B. T. M. Dentinger, Peter G. Avis, David J. McLaughlin, Peter B. Reich

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticle

    26 Citations (Scopus)


    Oak savanna is one of the most endangered ecosystems of North America, with less than 0.02% of its original area remaining. Here we test whether oak savanna supports a unique community of ectomycorrhizal fungi, a higher diversity of ectomycorrhizal fungi or a greater proportional abundance of ascomycete fungi compared with adjacent areas where the absence of fire has resulted in oak savanna conversion to oak forest. The overall fungal community was highly diverse and dominated by Cenococcum geophilum and other ascomycetes, Cortinarius, Russula, Lactarius and Thelephoraceae. Oak savanna mycorrhizal communities were distinct from oak forest communities both aboveground (sporocarp surveys) and belowground (RFLP identification of ectomycorrhizal root tips); however total diversity was not higher in oak savanna than oak forests and there was no evidence of a greater abundance of ascomycetes. Despite not having a higher local diversity than oak forests, the presence of a unique fungal community indicates that oak savanna plays an important role in maintaining regional ectomycorrhizal diversity.
    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)473-483
    Number of pages11
    Issue number4
    Publication statusPublished - 2009


    • ascomycetes
    • ectomycorrhizal fungi


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