Effect of interface friction on tunnel liner internal forces due to seismic S- and P-wave propagation

George P. Kouretzis, Scott W. Sloan, John P. Carter

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    80 Citations (Scopus)


    The effects on the hoop force and bending moment developed in the lining of a circular tunnel of the contact properties of the soil-lining interface are investigated numerically for both cases of S- and P-seismic wave propagation. Development of a robust model for the dynamic simulation of this problem includes: (i) the implementation of a hysteretic model of the non-linear soil response under cyclic loads in the finite element code ABAQUS; and (ii) validation of the analyses results against centrifuge tests from the literature and closed-from elasticity solutions. Accordingly, a parametric study is conducted to quantify the effect of adopting different values of the friction coefficient of the tunnel liner interface, while assuming that the relaxation load is transferred only to the temporary support shell of the tunnel; a hypothesis applicable mainly to tunnels constructed with the NATM method where an unreinforced concrete final lining is usually installed. Practical findings of this study suggest that the full-slip assumption should be used in conjunction with closed-form expressions for preliminary estimates of the tunnel response. On the contrary, for tunnels where the lining is designed to bear the soil loads, numerical tools should be used for the rational assessment of their seismic response. In the latter case, more experimental studies are needed to evaluate the friction properties at the interface, since common expressions correlating the friction coefficient with the friction angle of the surrounding soil do not appear compatible with the centrifuge test results examined herein.
    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)41-51
    Number of pages11
    JournalSoil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering
    Publication statusPublished - 2013


    • centrifuges
    • earthquakes
    • seismic waves
    • soils


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