Effects of tunnelling on existing support systems of perpendicularly crossing tunnels

H. Y. Liu, J. C. Small, J. P. Carter, D. J. Williams

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


    The interactions between perpendicularly crossing tunnels in the Sydney region are investigated using a full three-dimensional (3D) finite element analysis coupled with elasto-plastic material models. Special attention is paid to the effect of subsequent tunnelling on the support system, i.e. the shotcrete lining and rock bolts, of the existing tunnel. The results of the analysis show that in a region such as Sydney, with relatively high horizontal stresses, installation of the new tunnel causes the shotcrete lining of the existing tunnel to be in tension in the side facing towards the tunnel opening and in compression at the crown and invert. The pre-stressed rock bolts are usually tensioned more in the sections closest to the tunnel opening. For this particular study, if a new tunnel is driven perpendicularly beneath an existing tunnel, significant increases are induced in the bending moments in the shotcrete lining at the lateral sides of the existing tunnel and in the axial forces at its crown and invert. The increase in side bending moments causes further tensile cracking but the crown and invert stresses remain within the thresholds for both compressive failure and tensile cracking for shotcrete lining of typical concrete quality. Moreover, the driving of the new tunnel causes the tensile forces in the existing side rock bolts to increase and those in the existing crown rock bolts to decrease. In contrast, if the new tunnel is driven perpendicularly above the existing tunnel, compressive failure of the existing shotcrete lining is induced at the crown of the deeper tunnel for concrete of typical capacity and a significant tensile force increase of the existing rock bolts around the crown. It is concluded that in order to ensure the stability of the existing tunnel, local thickening is needed at the sides of the existing shotcrete lining if the shallow tunnel is installed first and local thickening is needed at the crown if the deep tunnel is installed first.
    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)880-894
    Number of pages15
    JournalComputers and Geotechnics
    Issue number5
    Publication statusPublished - 2009


    • New South Wales
    • design and construction
    • rock bolts
    • rock mechanics
    • shotcrete
    • tunnels


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