Establishing social order in 3D virtual worlds with virtual institutions

    Research output: Chapter in Book / Conference PaperChapter


    ![CDATA[An important security aspect of Virtual Worlds (in particular Virtual Worlds oriented towards commercial activities) is controlling participants’ adherence to the social norms (rules of behavior) and making them follow the acceptable interaction patterns. Rules of behavior in the physical world are usually enforced through a post factum punishment, while in computer-controlled environments we can simply block the actions that are inconsistent with the rules and eliminate rule violations. In order to facilitate enforcing the rules in such automatic manner and allow for frequent rule changes, the rules have to be expressed in a formal way, so that the software can detect both the rules and the actions that can potentially violate them. In this chapter the authors introduce the concept of Virtual Institutions that are Virtual Worlds with normative regulation of interactions. For development of such systems the authors employ the Virtual Institutions Methodology that separates the development of Normative Virtual Worlds into two independent phases: formal specification of the institutional rules and design of the 3D interaction environment. The methodology is supplied with a set of graphical tools that support the development process on every level, from specification to deployment. The resulting system is capable of enforcing the social norms on the Virtual Worlds’ participants and ensuring the validity of their interactions.]]
    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationSecurity in virtual worlds, 3D webs, and immersive environments : models for development, interaction and management
    Place of PublicationU.S
    PublisherInformation Science
    Number of pages30
    ISBN (Print)9781615208920
    Publication statusPublished - 2011


    • virtual reality
    • social norms
    • social control
    • social interaction
    • virtual institutions


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