Estimating the Hausman test for multilevel Rasch model

Kingsley E. Agho, James A. Athanasou

    Research output: Chapter in Book / Conference PaperConference Paper


    ![CDATA[In recent times, there has been an increased interest in the use of the multilevel Rasch model in medical, educational and psychological testing. In the Rasch multilevel model, the first level entails item responses, which rely on item variation and person ability; the second level describes variation and covariation between person ability within school and the third level describes variation and covariation between schools. While, the Hausman test for the multilevel Rasch random effect with intercept is the shape differences in item difficulty parameter estimates from the two and three level Rasch method. In this study, the Hausman test for the multilevel Rasch model was presented using data set from the second International Association for the Evaluation of Educational Achievement (IAEA) mathematics study for high school pupils in Australia. The sample consisted of 10 dichotomously-scored items from 50 students drawn from two stage sampling and only year 9 students with completed information were used for the analysis. The main findings were that the Hausman test suggested a statistical difference in item difficulty estimates between two and three-level Rasch model and ignoring the effect of clustering will result in biases when interpreting item difficulty parameter in Rasch measurement model.]]
    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationSocial Science Methodology Conference, University of Sydney, Australia, December 2006 : Proceedings
    PublisherAustralian Consortium for Social and Political Research
    Number of pages18
    ISBN (Print)9780980318814
    Publication statusPublished - 2006
    EventACSPRI Social Science Methodology Conference -
    Duration: 7 Dec 2014 → …


    ConferenceACSPRI Social Science Methodology Conference
    Period7/12/14 → …


    • psychological tests
    • educational tests and measurements
    • Hausman test
    • Rasch models
    • statistics
    • multilevel models


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