Evaluation of Home Fire Safety Checks Pilot Program: Report Prepared for Fire Rescue NSW

Research output: Book/Research ReportResearch report


The Home Fire Safety Checks (HFSC) is a pilot program undertaken by Fire Rescue New South Wales (FRNSW). Its’ primary aim is to engage with and educate targeted “at risk” groups to prevent and prepare for fire. The program entailed home visitation to ensure householders have appropriate fire safety equipment including working smoke alarms, fire blankets and fire safety information. The HFSC program used the Mosaic lifestyle profile data to target at risk groups of K42 constant struggle, single parents and elderly living side by side. It was rolled out to selected households in eight suburbs, 6 in metropolitan and 2 in regional locations. A total of 228 households received the pilot HFSC program. In addition, 425 households received fire education written information only as part of the control group. The pilot deployment of HFSC program incorporated an evaluation component undertaken by the School of Business at University of Western Sydney (UWS) in conjunction with, but independent to, FRNSW Community Safety Directorate. Evaluation was undertaken by five separate but linked assessments: organization; external stakeholders; program householders; program control; and economic evaluation.
Original languageEnglish
Place of PublicationPenrith, N.S.W.
PublisherUniversity of Western Sydney
Number of pages74
Publication statusPublished - 2014


  • evaluation
  • fire prevention


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