Evaluation Report: Liverpool Neighbourhood Connections Community Development Program

Research output: Book/Research ReportResearch report


Poverty and social exclusion continue to be a significant problem in Australia with women and children being affected the most. Liverpool is one of the areas affected and this report documents the findings of the research-based evaluation of Liverpool Neighbourhood Connections Community Development Program. The evaluation was initiated in response to the government’s call for evidence-based community initiatives that contribute to the alleviation of economic and social exclusion among the most vulnerable populations in Australia. It is important that LNC is able to show the impact of its works to government and potential funders. - The overarching objective of this evaluation was to assess the impact of the Community Development Program on women’s livelihood and the broader community within the Liverpool Local Government Area (LGA). An assessment of whether the program activities and outcomes are aligned with LNC values was done. This was conducted through the utilization of qualitative methods. The Agency’s Theory of Change was developed and then tested to ascertain whether it was on track in addressing the socio-economic needs of families in crisis within the suburb of Warwick Farm. Data was collected on women’s lived experiences of participating in LNC programs. This information is purposed to provide evidence on what works in relieving poverty among vulnerable neighbourhood populations. The findings of this report are presented under the following key themes; 1) description of the key attributes of the program beneficiaries, 2) essential program characteristics that work - the LNC approach to needs assessment, gender sensitive programs, flexible child support services, 3) perceived benefits of the program, and 4) challenges as expressed by participants. The report concludes with recommendations.
Original languageEnglish
Place of PublicationPenrith, N.S.W.
PublisherWestern Sydney University
Number of pages35
Publication statusPublished - 2020


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