Everglades garden

Juliana Swatko

    Research output: Creative WorksAudio or Visual Works


    I have been engaged in a speculative method of image production for most of my photographic career, pushing and pulling at the edges of the medium, in an effort to extend the boundaries of possibility and make visible the previously un-seeable. The image in this exhibition is part of a series made in designed gardens in the Sydney region, using a Holga camera and medium format film. Slivers of time and space were layered together, presenting a vision based in photographic reality but which dissolves into dreamlike, panoramic landscapes moving towards impressionistic, painterly outcomes. Dimension: 17.5" x 36". Medium format: colour film printed digitally on canvas.
    Original languageEnglish
    Place of PublicationRochester, N.Y.
    Size17.5" x 36", digital photo on canvas.
    Publication statusPublished - 2014
    EventVisual Studies Workshop Annual Bennefit Auction (11/04/2014 : Rochester, N.Y.) -
    Duration: 11 Apr 2014 → …


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