Examining site-office conflict in construction contracting : adding to an already stressful and stagnant industry

Research output: Chapter in Book / Conference PaperConference Paperpeer-review


![CDATA[Site workers comprise approximately 80% of construction employment. These personnel deliver outputs that exceed or fall short of the contractor's estimate, such as safety, quality, cost and schedule. However, construction organisations have disparate working conditions and career paths between their site and office staff. Other factors, such as job security and travel requirements, add to the differences in attitudes toward their office counterparts and construction firms. This paper explores these dynamics and attempts to survey perceptions of these two groups. In construction, craft skill leads to quality which is a high priority. The study found different levels of conflict, but no one reported it as non-existent. It is dependent on the individual and the company for which they work. The data points to a need for continuing discussion and inclusion of all company members about the motivators and demotivators, especially those who staff the site. With turnover rates in triple-digit percentages in recent years, adding higher site-office conflict can lead to increased disloyalty to employers, decreased project performance and less labour availability.]]
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationThe 45th Australasian Universities Building Education Association Conference: Global Challenges in a Disrupted World: Smart, Sustainable and Resilient Approaches in the Built Environment, Conference Proceedings, 23 - 25 November 2022, Western Sydney University, Kingswood Campus, Sydney, Australia
PublisherWestern Sydney University
Number of pages9
Publication statusPublished - 2022
EventAustralasian Universities Building Education Association. Conference -
Duration: 23 Nov 2022 → …


ConferenceAustralasian Universities Building Education Association. Conference
Period23/11/22 → …


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