Examining the Problem of Misinformation among the Indian Diaspora in Australia

Jasbeer M. Mamalipurath

Research output: Book/Research ReportResearch report


This report provides a preliminary mapping of the key issues and needs in relation to misinformation and disinformation among the Indian diasporic communities in Australia. The report draws on a roundtable discussion with 15 stakeholders. This roundtable focused on: (1) - the everyday experiences community members encountered in relation to mis/disinformation during and beyond the COVID-19 pandemic; (2) - Australian and international misinformation and disinformation approaches and fact-checking initiatives; (3) - possible partnerships and solutions to combat these challenges. The report outlines a direction for the development of a national strategy to combat information vulnerabilities among multicultural communities. It makes special reference to the Indian diasporic communities, which it engaged through a co-design approach with the active participation of community stakeholders, NGOs, fact-checking organisations, government agencies, national media, and academic researchers.
Original languageEnglish
Place of PublicationPenrith, N.S.W.
PublisherWestern Sydney University
Number of pages36
Publication statusPublished - 2023


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