Expert community choir directors in Australia : strategies for teaching a new song

Naomi Cooper

Research output: Chapter in Book / Conference PaperConference Paperpeer-review


![CDATA[There are multiple strategies used by community choir directors in teaching a new song. These include transmission through aural, visual, and physical approaches. This paper responds to the research question, “What strategies do expert community choir directors in Australia use when teaching a new song?” The research adopted an overt observation methodology to document the practice of nine community choir directors in Australia. This paper draws on data from all nine choir director participants to identify two approaches to teaching a new song to a group: a common approach used by experienced choir directors and an approach used by expert directors. The common approach is one where the director teaches the pitch and rhythm of the notes of the song first, often using a keyboard, and then shapes vocal tone, expression, articulation and dynamics later in the rehearsal process. While this approach is used successfully by a number of choir directors, whose choir members enjoy their directors’ approaches, this study has identified a different approach, which achieves musicality almost immediately. The common approach is contrasted with the practice of two choir director participants who have been identified as exemplars in their field. These directors demonstrate the expert approach through their practice, which is more holistic than the common approach from the beginning of the learning process. These directors seek to incorporate aspects of groove, style, and musicality as well as dynamics, expression and articulation from the very start of the rehearsal process. This is achieved through demonstrating parts with the desired dynamics, articulation, expression, and vocal tone. Other important strategies include teaching in small sections, combining voice parts as soon as possible, encouraging singers to learn aurally rather than from a score, demonstrating rather than explaining, using imagery and encouraging singers to embody the rhythm and groove. This research is of interest to community choir directors, both learning and experienced, particularly because the choir directing profession can be a solitary one with little opportunity to observe other directors’ practices.]]
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationCMA XIV: Listening to the world: Proceedings from the International Society for Music Education (ISME) 2014 Seminar of the Commission for Community Music Activity, 15-18 July 2014, Salvador, Brazil
PublisherInternational Society for Music Education
Number of pages7
Publication statusPublished - 2014
EventISME Commission for Community Music Activity. Seminar -
Duration: 15 Jul 2014 → …


ConferenceISME Commission for Community Music Activity. Seminar
Period15/07/14 → …


  • choral conductors
  • choirs (music)
  • instruction and study


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