Facebook and relationship building in a registered charity : an exploration of Facebook communication to enhance real-world relationships with the Australian Breastfeeding Association (ABA)

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This research explored what a charity can do through their Facebook communication, to build stronger online relationships that, in turn, motivate followers to develop real-world relationships (ie group meeting attendance, volunteering, training, or charitable giving) (Bridges, personal communication, May 16, 2017). <br /><br /> Online focus groups and interviews explored the ways that the Australian Breastfeeding Association (ABA) can enhance their online relationships to develop real-world interactions that aid the sustainability of the organisation (Rosenberg and Yates, 2007). <br /><br /> Schoenmaker's (2014) framework of conversing, sharing, connecting, engaging and relating was used to conceptualise a progression of different levels of relating, from online connection to physical-world relationship. Bridges' (2016) categorisation of the engagement-increasing factors of support, community, complementary services and immediacy, to understand how to foster relating via Facebook communication, were also used. <br /><br /> The research found that Facebook followers who share their experiences, respond to others and engage in dialogue are more likely to feel invested in their Facebook community, and more willing to explore relating to ABA in real life. These sharing and dialogic outcomes are more likely to occur in closed Facebook groups than open, public pages and sites.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)7-13
Number of pages7
JournalBreastfeeding Review
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - 2020


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