Farm Biosecurity Attitudes and Practices: Factors Influencing the Sheep Industry: National Survey of Sheep Producers and Livestock Agents: Final Report

Melanie Taylor, Navneet Dhand, Alison Lee

Research output: Book/Research ReportResearch report


This project comprised two nationally-representative surveys conducted in March 2011 using computer-assisted telephone interviewing. The first was a survey of 870 sheep producers with 100+ sheep exploring current sheep health management with a focus on producer biosecurity attitudes and practices and use of the national Sheep Health Statement (SHS). The second was a survey of 300 livestock agents currently working with sheep producers investigating their use of the SHS and their influence on producers’ sheep health management. Results indicated that SHS uptake was hindered by lack of awareness and knowledge of the SHS (40% were ignorant of it and its contents) and lack of enforcement across States. Investigation of the agent-producer relationship indicated that agents were highly trusted and had potential to influence producers’ uptake of the SHS.
Original languageEnglish
Place of PublicationNorth Sydney, N.S.W.
PublisherMeat & Livestock Australia
Number of pages116
ISBN (Print)9781741916003
Publication statusPublished - 2011


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