Fast periodic visual stimulation to study tool-selective processing in the human brain

Roxane De Keyser, André Mouraux, Genevieve L. Quek, Diana M. Torta, Valéry Legrain

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Because tools are manipulated for the purpose of action, they are often considered to be a specific object category that associates perceptual and motor properties. Their neural processing has been studied extensively by comparing the cortical activity elicited by the separate presentation of tool and non-tool objects, assuming that observed differences are solely due to activity selective for processing tools. Here, using a fast periodic visual stimulation (FPVS) paradigm, we isolated EEG activity selectively related to the processing of tool objects embedded in a stream of non-tool objects. Participants saw a continuous sequence of tool and non-tool images at a 3.7 Hz presentation rate, arranged as a repeating pattern of four non-tool images followed by one tool image. We expected the stimulation to generate an EEG response at the frequency of image presentation (3.7 Hz) and its harmonics, reflecting activity common to the processing of tool and non-tool images. Most importantly, if tool and non-tool images evoked different neural responses, we expected this differential activity to generate an additional response at the frequency of tool images (3.7 Hz/5=0.74 Hz). To ensure that this response was not due to unaccounted for systematic differences in low-level visual features, we also tested a phase-scrambled version of the sequence. The periodic insertion of tool stimuli within a stream of non-tool stimuli elicited a significant EEG response at the tool-selective frequency and its harmonics. This response was reduced when the images were phase-scrambled. We conclude that FPVS is a promising technique to selectively measure tool-related activity.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)2751-2763
Number of pages13
JournalExperimental Brain Research
Issue number10
Publication statusPublished - 2018


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