
Valerie M. Behan-Pelletier, Stuart B. Hill

    Research output: Chapter in Book / Conference PaperChapter


    The soil fauna includes those animals that pass one or more active stages in soil or litter; some may be temporary occupants of this habitat, most are permanent (Wallwork, 1970; Coleman et al., 2004). Animals live in either the air spaces or in water in soil, though certain species can function in both media (Walter et al., 1991). Soil animals participate in the genesis of the habitat in which they live. They are found in all soil types, in Arctic and Antarctic fell-field and tundra, at edges of glaciers, in deserts, in caves, in cultivated soils, and in soil analogs, such as accumulations of organic matter in tree-holes, bromeliads and other canopy habitats. Only the species composition, diversity, quantity and function of soil animals varies with changing soil types, the main groups represented, remain the same.
    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationEncyclopedia of Soil Science
    EditorsWard Chesworth
    Place of PublicationNetherlands
    Number of pages7
    ISBN (Electronic)9781402039959
    ISBN (Print)9781402039942
    Publication statusPublished - 2008


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