For renters, making housing more affordable is just the start

Research output: Chapter in Book / Conference PaperChapter


![CDATA[Deloitte Access Economics’ Chris Richardson recently suggested that young Australians would be better off renting than trying to buy a house. He argued that ‘rents today make a lot more sense than housing prices’. This may be true. However, the situation for renters is far from clear-cut. Rents continue to increase in Australian cities, and are out of reach for low- and very-low-income earners. Renters also face substantial housing insecurity. In Australia, 50% of renters are on a fixed-term, one-year lease; 20% are on a month-to-month ‘rolling’ lease. For renting to become a truly viable, long-term alternative to home ownership, greater rental affordability and security are needed.]]
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationConversation Yearbook 2017: 50 Standout Articles from Australia's Top Thinkers
EditorsJohn Walton
Place of PublicationCarlton, Vic.
PublisherMelbourne University Press
Number of pages3
ISBN (Electronic)9780522872675
ISBN (Print)9780522872668
Publication statusPublished - 2017


  • rental housing
  • renting
  • renters
  • housing


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