From the big picture to the individual student : the importance of the classroom relationship

Matt Byrne, Geoff Munns

    Research output: Chapter in Book / Conference PaperChapter


    In this chapter the authors propose that productive relationships between teachers and Aboriginal learners need to operate at two interrelated levels. The first level is a “big picture” socio-cultural curriculum relationship based on the REAP framework. The second level is the pedagogical relationship, produced in the verbal, written and symbolic classroom interactions between teachers and students.
    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationReform and Resistance in Aboriginal Education
    EditorsQuentin Beresford, Gary Partington, Graeme Gower
    Place of PublicationCrawley, W.A.
    PublisherUniversity of Western Australia Publishing
    Number of pages30
    EditionRev. ed.
    ISBN (Print)9781742583891
    Publication statusPublished - 2012


    • Aboriginal Australians
    • youth
    • education
    • educational change


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