Gap Analysis of Environmental Research Needs in the Australian Wet Tropics

Justin A. Welbergen, Stephen E. Williams, Steve Goosem

Research output: Book/Research ReportResearch report


Environmental research involves “understanding how environmental systems function and interact, and the impact that humans are having on the environment”. Strengthened linkages between terrestrial biodiversity researchers and end-users are desirable to reduce duplicative effort and achieve maximum return on public investment in applied research. To assist this process, our analysis provides a significant review and consultation process with the aim of identifying end”user needs, research gaps and possible synergies, delivering a valuable resource for terrestrially focussed research providers and end-user groups. This report provides a resource for research providers by helping to locate relevant research information more efficiently, and by ensuring that proposed research is strategic and targeted at the needs of the end”users. It provides a resource for end-users by delivering a repository of biodiversity research that is digested and easily accessible, and by identifying the areas of research where stakeholder interests overlap. Finally, the report can also be used by funding bodies to help guide the prioritisation of resources into future biodiversity research in the Wet Tropics bioregion.
Original languageEnglish
Place of PublicationCairns, Qld.
PublisherMarine and Tropical Sciences Research Facility
Number of pages130
Publication statusPublished - 2011


  • gap analysis (planning)
  • environmental protection
  • tropics
  • Australia


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