Ghost Cities: New Writing from Western Sydney

Christina Donoghue, Kate Fagan, Melinda Jewell, Catriona Menzies-Pike

Research output: Book/Research ReportEdited Book


Ghost Cities is titled partly for the often-eerie experiences of living through a pandemic. As the streets of Western Sydney shut down in wave after wave, a small band of local writers came together and began to navigate the times. Across 2021 as our screens delivered new variants of fear directly into our homes, the twelve writers who joined The Writing Zone—a mentoring program run by the Writing and Society Research Centre and the Sydney Review of Books—met via video calls, group chats, email and phone. In a period of intense stress and intermittent isolation, they became each other’s first readers, editors and friends. Ghost Cities is a testimony to the solidarity and literary flair of its writers. These stellar essayists, poets, dramatists and fiction writers share a sharpened interest in the uncanny, in grief and loss, and in energies that come directly from the earth, binding us to place.
Original languageEnglish
Place of PublicationPenrith, N.S.W.
PublisherThe Writing Zone @ The Writing and Society Research Centre, Western Sydney University
Number of pages163
ISBN (Print)9780648998242
Publication statusPublished - Sept 2022
EventBook launch of Ghost Cities at PARI Gallery, Parramatta (launched by Felicity Castagna and featuring readings by authors and DJ-ing by Ilhan Abdi) - PARI Gallery, Parramatta, Australia
Duration: 28 Sept 202228 Sept 2022


  • The Writing Zone
  • Western Sydney
  • creative writing
  • emerging writers
  • mentoring in writing


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