Girls and Boys in Physical Education: Gender and Embodiment in the 21st century

Jorge D. Knijnik, Renata Zuzzi

Research output: Book/Research ReportAuthored Book


The twenty-first century invades our lives without asking permission. Interactivity, global and instantaneous communication; mobile Internet, global communities of friends and common interests; schools are also flooded daily by new technologies, intelligent whiteboards, students with new languages, reinventing the language and ways to talk. The worldwide network spreads new ways of being and acting at every moment, and the male and female students are more than acquainted about the intense and unceasing global movement. While all this happens, we look at the halls of Physical Education and the sports courts, and what we see? A world often stopped in the nineteenth century ... girls and boys restricted to bodily activities allegedly consistent with hegemonic masculinity or femininity with the desired, or even stopped, prohibited from acting or practicing some sport, for fear of being labeled the worst brands ... Even the poor pink continues to serve to stigmatize the children of the twenty-first century! That is, when we speak of corporeality and gender, the school still living the parameters of two centuries ago! Changing this status quo, questioning the values ”‹”‹more than exceeded, and propose new pedagogies for a new time is more than necessary and urgent. Why the book Girls and Boys Physical Education is innovative and purposeful. It innovates by questioning, with theoretical and historical bases, the traditional concepts of gender involving the corporeality of pupils and students in physical education; however, is a propositional book is it is only in speech, but advances in the practice area, and makes use of new pedagogies that can support for teachers and teachers act with a liberating dimension.
Original languageEnglish
Place of PublicationSpain
PublisherFontoura Editora
Number of pages199
ISBN (Print)9788587114662
Publication statusPublished - 2010

Bibliographical note

Copyright © Fontoura Editora Ltda.


  • gender
  • physical education and training
  • vocational education


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