Globalization and Politics. Volume IV, Political Philosophies of the Global

Research output: Book/Research ReportAuthored Book


Despite a long tradition of universalizing philosophies, it is relatively recently that debates explicitly calling for a systematic global ethics have extended beyond the work of philosophers, critics and clerics. In the 1990s, global ethics became for the first time a regularized and institutionalized part of global politics linked to the generalization of a globalizing civil society. The term ‘global civil society’ is itself a recent term. For centuries, philosophers have debated political philosophies of universal, global or world-wide human relations, but a series of moments in the 1990s stand out as marking a concerted and explicit call for political formalization of ethics at a global level.
Original languageEnglish
Place of PublicationU.S.
Number of pages450
ISBN (Print)9781412919555
Publication statusPublished - 2014


  • globalization
  • political aspects


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