Good GP care for transgender children: The parents’ perspectives

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Background: As more general practitioners (GPs) are consulted to navigate inclusive care for transgender and gender diverse (trans) children and young people, the experiences of families seeking care for trans children can inform GP practice. 

Aims: The aims of this study were to understand the experiences of parents of trans children in their interactions with GPs when seeking care for their children; to inform GPs about families’ experiences of good care; and to complement existing guidelines and resources for GPs on affirmative trans healthcare for children. 

Methods: This was a nation-wide, qualitative, constructivist study using semi-structured in-depth interviews, which was nested in a larger study on experiences of parents with a trans child across a range of Australian services and agencies. Eighteen parents of trans children in Australia were interviewed, recruited from online support and advocacy networks for parents of trans children. 

Results: We found that although parents valued ongoing care from their family GP, some had to seek a new GP because they had or feared a negative reaction from their regular GP, or their regular GP did not have the knowledge to support their family. Parents sought GPs who would validate their child and affirm their child’s gender. Parents expected practical care from GPs such as referrals to gender-affirming specialists and other health practitioners, routine clinical procedures, and letters of support to services and agencies. Qualities that parents valued in a GP were a respectful manner, listening, putting the child first, asking appropriate questions, and being willing to learn. 

Discussion: GPs that understand trans healthcare for children across a range of health areas and can respond positively in a respectful and matter of fact way to families are in short supply. Parent knowledge can inform GPs to support trans children in line with the Australian Standards of Care.

Original languageEnglish
Number of pages9
JournalInternational Journal of Transgender Health
Publication statusPublished - 2024

Bibliographical note

Publisher Copyright:
© 2024 The Author(s). Published with license by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC.


  • Children
  • gender affirmation
  • general practice
  • parenting
  • transgender


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