Green Shadows : venturing into Gerald Murnane's plains

Samantha Trayhurn

Research output: Creative WorksTextual Works


‘I have been delivered of my books.’ These words hang in the air as Gerald Murnane confirms his retirement during a rare address to around thirty academics, writers, publishers and fans at the Goroke Golf Club. The one-day symposium, ‘Another World in This One: Gerald Murnane’s Fiction’, is part of Western Sydney University’s ‘Other Worlds: Forms of World Literature’ project. On first glance it is a curious connection: how can the life work of an author who has rarely left the small pockets of Victoria, suburban Melbourne and a few regional villages and towns that he has called home for eighty years inform us about a literature of the ‘world’?
Original languageEnglish
Place of PublicationCrawley, W.A.
Publication statusPublished - 2018


  • Murnane, Gerald, 1939-
  • authors, Australian


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