Hakatere Conservation Park Visitor Study 2007-2008

Anna Thompson, Brent Lovelock, Arianne Reis, Carla Jellum

Research output: Book/Research ReportResearch report


This report presents the findings from a visitor survey and interviews with local users of the Hakatere Conservation Park (HCP). Firstly the report presents the findings of the survey conducted at the HCP from late December 2007 to late May 2008. Self-completion questionnaires were distributed to visitors in the area through strategically located collection and drop-off points. A total of 509 usable questionnaires were returned, by post, to the researchers. The final section of the report presents the interview findings.
Original languageEnglish
Place of PublicationN.Z.
PublisherUniversity of Otago
Commissioning bodyDepartment of Conservation
Number of pages79
ISBN (Print)9780473139223
Publication statusPublished - 2008


  • New Zealand
  • national parks and reserves
  • natural resources conservation areas
  • surveys
  • tourism

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