Health and culture : a critical analysis based on studies conducted on older Asian-New Zealanders

Jed Montayre

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


New Zealand is an ethnically diverse nation. The number of overseas-born New Zealanders are increasing and migration pathways have added to the cultural diversity of New Zealand’s population. Acknowledging the health complexities experienced by older adults belonging to diverse cultural backgrounds is a growing research interest. This article aims to discuss the specific overlays between health and culture in the case of older Asian-New Zealanders by unpacking, presenting and critically analysing selected New Zealand studies. Based on this critical analysis, health-seeking behaviours and engagement with the healthcare system in New Zealand were influenced by cultural beliefs, traditional family values and the use of mainstream language. Understanding the overlaps between health and culture of the ageing ethnic groups is complex yet useful for health institutions. Furthermore, understanding the perspectives of ageing among ethnic and migrant groups within the context of cultural diversity is enhanced by considering an ethno-specific approach.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages8
JournalPacific Health
Publication statusPublished - 2019


  • health
  • culture
  • older people
  • Asians
  • New Zealand


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