Hidden boundaries and shared meanings : the roles of researcher characteristics and cultural norms in shaping understandings of sexuality in the unstructured interview setting

Rachel Thorpe, Gail Hawkes, Tinashe Dune, Bianca Fileborn, Marian Pitts, Victor Minichiello

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

9 Citations (Scopus)


This paper examines the role of the research process in shaping the construction of knowledge about sensitive topics in in-depth interviews particularly with regard to researcher identity and cultural influences or norms. We argue that these influences shape all aspects of the research process and that researchers will benefit from reflecting upon them when planning, undertaking and interpreting qualitative studies. Drawing on an empirical study interviewing Australian women aged 55 years and older about sexuality we address differences and similarities between researchers and participants; cultural constructions of sexuality and ageing, and generational influences. Using examples from our interview data we interrogate the contribution of each of these aspects to the interview dynamic and the coproduction of meaning. Our analysis draws attention to the fluidity of insider and outsider status and to the existence of hidden boundaries that impact on how certain topics can be discussed in interviews. The paper argues that knowledge about sensitive topics such as older people’s sexuality must be viewed as a situated occurrence shaped by the particularities of the interview and the cultural context. Finally, we discuss the implications of these findings for qualitative inquiries into sensitive topics.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)205-217
Number of pages13
JournalInternational Journal of Social Research Methodology
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - 2018


  • older women
  • research
  • sexuality


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