Hiding under the blankets : reasons why parents cover infants' strollers and prams

Leigh Wilson, Susan Quine, Milton Lewis

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


    Aim Covering an infant’s stroller with a light muslin wrap has been recommended by the Cancer Council of Australia to protect infant skin from sun damage and long-term cancer risk. A previous observational study suggests parents have taken this advice further, covering strollers with blankets and other heavy materials when children are not exposed to sunlight. This study sought to identify the main reasons for this practice. Methods One hundred and four parents were enrolled in a study of parental infant care practices in Sydney, Australia. Using a semi-structured questionnaire, parents were interviewed by telephone and asked whether they covered infant strollers with wraps or heavy materials and, if so, the reasons for this practice. Results Parents reported three main reasons for using a wrap or other material to cover their infant when in a stroller. In order of frequency, these were: to encourage an infant to sleep, to protect an infant from sunlight and to prevent strangers touching or breathing on an infant. A small number of parents used wraps and blankets to protect an infant from dangerous objects such as lighted cigarettes and sharp projections. Conclusions Although most parents were familiar with the Cancer Council of Australia recommendations to protect infants from sunlight, this study shows that parents cover strollers for purposes unrelated to sun protection, and often with heavy materials. Further research is needed to ascertain whether this practice could lead to adverse health outcomes in infants.
    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)13-17
    Number of pages5
    JournalNeonatal and Paediatric and Child Health Nursing
    Issue number2
    Publication statusPublished - 2010


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